Saturday, November 24, 2012

                       Happy Thanksgiving from the 4K students and teachers at Jefferson

We celebrated thanksgiving with painting a large turkey with watercolor paints and having both classroom join together in Mrs. Palesse's classroom library to watch "A Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving"

We welcome back Mrs. Ehlert and wish Miss Jasinski well in her new classroom.  She will be substitute teaching for our 2nd Grade teacher, Mrs. Ball.

Please join us at Central High School gymnasium on Saturday, December 1st from 10:30 am -3:30 pm for our Jefferson PTA Vendor Fair.  Adults can shop and visit while the children can play on large blow up inflatables in the gym.  There will also be refreshments for sale.
The vendor fair will have a raffle that includes items from all the vendors.   There is no admission fee!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pictures from Mrs. Palesse's Classroom

These pictures were taken during Mr. B's week and Ms. F's Week
in the middle of November, 2012
                                                 Afternoon class painting with watercolors

                                                    Danica, Calvin, Maddie, and Quiyius

Abby, Kyle, Ethan, Kimaya, and Carmello

                                                       Aidyn, Bella, Aliana, and Aaden                                                 

                                        Brody, Ethan, Carmello, and Kyle in the block area
                                       Abby, Aaden, Kimaya, and Danica in little people area

                                              Quiyius, Aidyn, and Calvin playing with cars

                                        Tina, Bella, Naomi, and Nicholas at the writing center

                                                             Aliana cleaning her table.
                                                               Caylie lined up her animals

                                                                Laith painting his frog

                                                        Amani, Jacob, Adam, and Craig

                                          Miya, James, Maggie, and Levi in housekeeping center
                                                               Khalil in little people center                                                      

                                                Hannah and Madilynn at dollhouse center

                                                                Frog artwork in the hallway

                                 Craig, Hannah, DaZerius, and Jacob reading in our classroom library

                                             Miya, Brooklyn, Amani, Maggie, & Hannah

                                                           Joseph, Khalil and Madilynn

                                               Jacob, Laith, Adam, Craig, and DaZerius

                                                       Caylie, Laith, James, and Kenadie

                                                        Caleb, Naomi, Tina, and Brody
                                                           Laith displays his painted bear

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Letter "B"!

This week, your child learned all about the letter "B." They met Mr. B and learned that he has beautiful buttons and they learned about some of the shapes and colors of his buttons. They learned that he is learning how to share his buttons with his letter people friends. During the Mr. B song, they were able to hold buttons while singing about Mr. B's beautiful buttons.

The "B" theme for this week was bears. They listened to stories such as "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" and "Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?" Your children learned about how bears go to sleep for a very long time during the winter in a cave and how they wake up when it's springtime. Also, they learned how to sing different "B" songs, such as "The Boogie Walk" and "I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee."

Next week, your child is going to learn about Thanksgiving and do some Thanksgiving activities. Thanksgiving break starts on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 and ends on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25.

Note for Ms. Jasinski/Mrs. Ehret's classes:
On Monday, November 26, is Ms. Jasinski's last day of teaching the 4K classes, and on that day, Mrs. Ehret will be in the classroom as well so that it will be a smoother transition for everyone.

A note from Ms. Jasinski: I have truly enjoyed teaching your children and getting to know each one of them as well as you (their families)! I will miss teaching them, but I am thankful for the time I was able to teach your children. I will be at Jefferson until right around Winter Break, as I will be subbing for a 2nd/3rd grade classroom, so hopefully I will still see you and your children around Jefferson!

Have a fantastic weekend,
Ms. Jasinski and Mrs. Palesse

Monday, November 12, 2012

Five Little Monkeys and Five Frogs on a Log Activities

All about the letter F

Ms. F was introduced to your child this week.  She has Funny Feet!  Ask your child to name
Ms. F's "favorites"    What is her favorite animal?      foxes
                                  What is her favorite game?        football
                                  What is her favorite food?         fresh fruit
                                  What is her favorite smell?        flowers
                                  Who is her favorite friend?        herself

Our featured story was  "Five Green and Speckled Frogs", By: Priscilla Burris.
Each child was able to tell the story with their own pool, log, and set of frogs.  Then, we painted a frog on a log.

Computer Time in 4K
We have computer time every Monday.  Here are the two FREE websites that we have tried.

Friday, November 2, 2012

All about the Letter "M"

Welcome to November! This week, your child learned all about the letter "M." They learned that Mr. M has a "munchy" mouth and loves to eat all different kinds of food. They also learned that he shares his food when he cooks too much of it. The main theme of this week was monkeys. They enjoyed listening to the stories "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" as well as the traditional "Five Little Monkeys." They enjoyed pretending that they were the monkeys and that they were able to jump up and down on the "bed" (carpet).

Next week, your child is going to learn all about the letter "F." Also, report cards for Quarter 1 will be sent home next Friday (November 9).

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Jasinski and Mrs. Palesse