Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mustache Day!

Thanks to Bella for bringing in a sticker mustache for all of her 4K friends!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dr. Seuss Week in Mrs. Palesse Classroom

To celebrate Dr. Seuss Week, we made ourselves using many colors as in the book, "My Many Colored Days." Then we made cut out foot prints to compare our feet from smallest to biggest inspired by the book, "The Foot Book." Lastly, most of us tried scrambled green eggs and ham like the story, "Green Eggs and Ham." Our guest readers were Mr. Walt Sturgeon, our PTA fundraiser chairperson in the morning and Mrs. Mary Norton, our retired Jefferson reading teacher in the afternoon.

Mr. H

When learning about the letter H, we made an upper case H into a house! Students who are 4 put 4 windows on their house and students who are 5 put 5 windows on their house!

Dr. Seuss Week!

We had a great time celebrating Dr. Seuss! We enjoyed green eggs and ham, well some of us did! ;) We also had fun making Cat in the Hat hats using an AB pattern! Throughout the week we did a lot of rhyming activities!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pajama Day!

The boys and girls wore their pajamas to school today! We also had a guest reader read to our afternoon class. We were lucky enough to have Mrs. Norton, a retired Jefferson reading teacher share some of her favorite stories with us!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mr. G & Graphing Goldfish!

We had a lot of fun graphing goldfish this week while learning about Mr. G! Mrs. Ehret was very impressed with how the students sorted by color and then graphed the correct amount! Oh and the goldfish tasted GREAT!