Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Zig Zag Zipper Z

Is your child in our ZIPPER CLUB?  All they need to to join is zip their own jackets.

Take a look at the children using real zippers as they zip to Mr. Z's song.
We read the story, "Dear  Zoo" and sequenced the story.  The children matched the animal picture to the animal word.

Our First Animal Visit

Mr. Bartlein brought in their dog, Daisy.  Daisy is about 7 months old and can follow some dog commands, such as Stay, Sit, & Paw.

When It Snows

The children followed along to the story, "When It Snows"




Happy New Year

The children completed the sentence,  In 2014, I will....   Take a look at the children illustrating their thoughts.  Balloons are on display outside our classroom.

Wonderful Winter Words

Ms.  W likes wonderful words, especially weather words...wet, wild, windy.  Ms. W's big book, "How's The Weather?" Introduced the children to the punctuation marks:  ?  !  .     Point these punctuation marks out to your child as you read to them. Ask your child to find these punctuation marks.

The children used scooters as sleds and snowmen poppers for music and movement.