Thursday, March 13, 2014

Who has Happy Hair?

Mr. H has green happy hair!  He thinks of himself as handsome.

We started each day with the song, "If You're Happy and You Know It"

Dr. Seuss Week

Afternoon class on HAT day
Dr. Seuss Hat day in the morning
Duck, Duck, Goose game
Superintendent Mr. Kurt Wachholz  on guest reader day with afternoon class
One Fish, two fish, blue fish, red fish......goldfish graph
Painting Dr. Seuss hats
Our reading specialist, Mrs. Pod on guest reader day with morning class

Dr.  Seuss table time activity

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sticky, Sticky, Bubble Gum

Bubble Gum, Bubble Fun!

Mr. G has gooey gum stuck in his hair! Oh, no, there's gum everywhere!  
Ask your child to retell the classic story, " The Three Billy Goats Gruff"

Our Names in the Afternoon

The children used magnetic boards and letters to practice their names.

Our Names in the Morning

The children used magnetic dry erase boards with magnetic letters & markers to practice their names.
Then, they wrote their names in their "This is how I print my name" monthly in 4K.