Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Letter Rr
Your child was introduced to Mr. R.  He likes to raise red roses on his farm and he wins
Rainbow Ribbons for his prize roses.  Your child listened to his song and story called,
"What is RED?" every day this week.  The children painted a red rose, practice making the
letters R r, painted a rainbow and made a Mr. R Puppet during the week.
The Rainbow Theme continued with the books:  "Planting a Rainbow" By Lois Ehlert (Milwaukee Author and illustrator,  and "The Rainbow"  by Felicia Law.  Ms. Law told how real rainbows are made and tells us that there is no pot of goal at the end of a rainbow.

Thank You to the Jefferson PTA and our Jefferson School Reading Specialist, Christie Kleinowski
for the book, "The ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad" for National Reading Day.

Reminders:  Jefferson Spirit Wear Sales end Friday, October 12, 2012,
                    Jefferson PTA fundraiser order forms and money is due Friday, October 12, 2012

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