Ms. O teaches us about OPPOSITES
During the week of November 26th, your child learned about opposites. This concept was taught using pictures, books, and actions.
Encourage your child to tell you the opposite of words like: hot/cold, top/bottom, up/down, stop/go, in/out, big/little, boy/girl, over/under, heavy/light, thick/thin, narrow/wide, long/short, full/empty, front/back, open/closed,
left/right, old/young, good/bad, in front/behind, etc.
Ask your child to name some things that are opposite on Ms. O. "Tell me about Ms. O's eyes. How are they opposite?
open eye/shut eye
arm up/arm down
shoe on/shoe off
button fastened/ button unfastened
shirt tucked/ shirt untucked
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